Thursday 6 December 2012

Orissa Yatra!!

Indian cuisine is the general term for the wide variety of cooking styles from India. In reality, India hosts an even greater number of distinct regional cuisines than the entire European continent. Indian food is usually perceived as 'spicy' or 'hot', while that is sometimes true. Every state is blessed with its unique taste and a profound treasure of spices.

Lets unfold the magical dishes from the State of Temples - Orissa....

Foods from this area are rich and varied, while relying heavily on local ingredients. The flavors are usually subtle and delicately spiced, quite unlike the fiery curries typically associated with Indian cuisine. Fish and other seafood such as crab and shrimp are very popular. Chicken and mutton are also consumed, but somewhat occasionally.

Typically breads (Roti, Paratta) are served as the main course for breakfast, whereas rice soaked in water with yogurt and seasonings (Pakhala) during lunch and dinner.

 The breakfast consists of Chuda (Poha, flattened rice), Mudhi (Puffed rice), Chuda can be eaten either as fried or with Curd- Banana-Sugar (called as Chudaa Dahi).

 Mudhi is a famous snack in north Orissa. Different Pitha also form breakfast menu. The main course in lunch includes one or more curries, vegetables and pickles. Given the fondness for sweet foods, the dessert course may include generous portions of more than a single item.

Oriya desserts are made from a variety of ingredients, with milk, Chenna (a form of cottage cheese), coconut, rice, and wheat flour being the most common.

Great personalities like the former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdaul Kalam has mentioned his special attraction towards Orissa and its simply relishing cuisines.

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